Involved in new media art between 2005 and 2020.
Workshops, live coding and art installations using
MaxMSP, PureData, Processing, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, SuperCollider.
Check it out on Github and Vimeo.
Show Us Your Screens
One of my performances appears in this documentary about live coding - 2014

Between You And Me
MaxMSP programmer for the great multi-sensorial installation by Anke Eckard - 2012

Ruido, Memoria Y Descomposición Social
AV performance for the National Museum of Bogotá (COL), canceled because of the political incorrectness of the project - 2010

HUM - die Kunst des Sammelns
MaxMSP programmer for dance performance in Natural History Museum of Berlin (DE) - 2008

L' Horloge
MaxMSP programmer for a piece by Etienne Chambaud - 2007